Kunming, Yunnan, China
Paralleling the rise of Asian economies, formerly mid-tiercities like Kunming are rapidly assuming national andglobal importance and paving the way for the design forfive city blocks of new development linked by crucialgreen space.Located in the Yunan province, Kunming Rainbow Cityis an essential component in a rapidly expanding newsection of Kunming. Here, formerly undeveloped land willbe home to a new eight-level shopping mall, two highriseoffice towers, three residential towers, a 320-roomhotel, and over 200,000 SF of street retail. Positionedbetween a massive new residential development, a government complex and a university campus, thismixed-use development is unified by a 100-meterwidegreen space that provides a critical link betweenthe adjacent residential towers and the governmentalbuildings.Massive scale shifts occur within the development andalthough it is essentially a gridded environment, highrisetowers and the shopping mall share connectivity through the intimately scaled street retail, which in turnopens up to a large shopping concourse at the B1 level.At the southern end of the site, a large and engaginginteractive water feature provides a festive edge to thefood, beverage, and entertainment component.